Monday, April 16, 2012

RO? U know? U Don't know?

hee...RO or in other word Ragnarok Online...where we can make our own money, item, love at our own world, Here the example of the place so funny...look at the last pic...its my bunny say about nasi lemak... (O_O)...all my sibling play this game.. (O_<) bout u try to play?? it so much fun..don't worry about your language LOKI there are so many malay people...they are rich and open-handed..they willing to help you ^^... find this link to register or download the game...make sure the game must Rebirth RO ' ' and the wikipedia for Rebirth RO ' '

First Of All

First of all... Thank You very much to cause sharing the layout with everyone..thumbs up(>_O)b.. Thank you ..thank you..thank you to MR|MRS Blogger...Thanks so much to Google... unforgetable to MR|MRS Facebook that we have here... Thx very much to my newbie Blogger like me...and thx to the Blogger out there...for give me guidance intentional or unintentional...